Harrison Ford's Fan Page


Harrison Ford, born July 13, 1942 Chicago IL. He is known for being an actor and producer. Especially his famous roles in Star Wars playing Han Solo and in Indiana Jones. Harrison is 75 years old and has been acting for a good portion of his life.

Harrison didnt blow up or get any major roles until Star Wars. Which eventually played a big part in making his career, especially the following movies he starred in Indiana Jones. He is said to be in the 5th Indiana Jones movie in 2020.

Since then Harrison Ford has been in countless amount of movies. To this day he still is acting and is quite amazing. He is also a licensed pilot in both fixed wing aircrafts and helicopters.He has had many incidents and injuries while filming movies, and flying over the past years.

Why I like Harrison Ford

  1. Cool Guy
  2. Great Actor
  3. Star Wars
  4. Can fly helicopters
  5. Indiana Jones


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Year Movie Rating Sales
1977 A New Hope 8.6/10 786mil
1981 The Raiders Lost Ark 8.5/10 389mil
1982 Blade Runner 8.2/10 33mil